Employment Inventory

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With over three million administered each year, the Employment Inventory has proven effective in identifying which applicants are the most likely to become productive, successful employees for a wide range of jobs in a variety of industries. It is comprised of four distinct pre-employment scales:

  1. Performance – Identifies people who: have good work habits, are reliable and responsible, show initiative, follow rules closely, and who are orderly and thoughtful.
  2. Tenure –  Identifies people who are more likely to stay on the job at least three months.
  3. Customer Service – Predicts success in positions with high people/customer contact, in which it is necessary to be friendly, courteous and service-oriented.
  4. Sales – Predicts success in jobs that involve selling, in which employees must have high levels of initiative, energy, commitment, persuasiveness and persistence.

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Each version of the Employment Inventory is comprised of three sections:  (1) Opinions and Attitudes, (2) Self-Descriptions, and (3) Background Information. 

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Ask Questions, Request Samples, or Place Assessment Orders Below 

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